Monday, March 29, 2021 by Diana Farrell | THOUGHTS FROM THE STUDIO
"I didn't have time to practice this week!" Yes, I hear it all the time and trust me: I feel you. There have absolutely been times in my life where I did not believe I had time to practice. Most of the time that meant I was not mentally in a place where I was able to focus during the time I had, either because I was overwhelmed with other things, didn't think the time I had would be "enough", or I simply wasn't motivated... or was a year+ into a global pandemic with another six months to go before most people venture into live music making. Sound familiar? Yeah. Sometimes it's overwhelming and you need to be gentle with yourself. We're all doing the best we can. So, what does practice look like for a busy working/SAHM mom of two when I do have the mental space to make it happen? When I'm very lucky, it is 45 minutes in a quiet house next to a piano studying my scores and focusing on tricky passages. The rest of the time, it looks very different: It may be listening to different recordings and interpretations of music in an earbud while prepping lunch for kiddos; it may be using bedtime songs to focus on my breath support and pianissimo singing; it may be speaking music in rhythm to the baby while we clap and play on the floor; it might even just be silently reciting music in my head while marking my breath before I go to sleep. It is often not caring about the funny looks I'm getting when parked at an intersection and singing at the top of my lungs while running a quick errand. The point is, there's always time to practice if I'm in the right headspace, have a proper goal in mind, and make a conscious choice. If I'm too burnt out to make the time, then scheduling time to decompress is *part* of practicing. After all, as many athletes will tell you, practice is 90% mental and 10% physical ...give or take.
Monday, March 22, 2021 by Diana Farrell | THOUGHTS FROM THE STUDIO
Hello! Join me for some #MondayMusings It's been a very eventful few weeks over here! Life is certainly still in a state of suspended animation, but for the first time in a year we are starting to make physical plans. Contracts that were once on hold are getting rescheduled, venues which were shut down are now calling to book dates, and we are that much closer to a world where we are making music with and for one another. Whatever the new normal is, (and I'm not naive enough to believe it will be the same as the "old" normal) it can only be better with live music! Life outside of our home has changed, but it's changed inside as well! I am now a person with two young children in the house and, at least for now, no babysitters or daycare or full-time school to allow time for practice, focus on life/art administration, or even just to sit in quiet. I am reminded of past times in life where the opportunity to practice was few and far between. I had to develop a focus and commitment that made the best use of my time and that became a skill set I am grateful for, especially now. My productive goal for today is to create a practical practice schedule to prepare for this next chapter and begin it feeling confident and empowered. Sharing these strategies with my students has been one of the greatest rewards during isolation. Watching these singers take ownership of their voice when there is no outside motivation like a performance or an audition coming up has been such an unexpected joy and I thank them, in turn, for the shared motivation!