The Classical Voice Studio of Diana Farrell

Vocal Athletes

Friday, June 18, 2021 by Diana Farrell | THOUGHTS FROM THE STUDIO

I was speaking with a fellow voice teacher last week and commiserating/laughing over the number of times we've had new students come to us and be upset that they couldn't "learn singing" in one or two lessons. Well, I have a secret for you... Even though I teach and work professionally, I still take lessons and coach with other professionals! When will I be done learning? Never! I still study because having the ears of a knowledgeable technician and the insight of an experienced pro prompts more thoughtful questions to be answered. Sometimes those questions are about technique, sometimes they are simply philosophical and build upon my mental and theoretical practice. Education, in all its forms, is beautiful because the more you learn the more you realize *how much you don't know* and that there is always room for growth. That is important for our sense of well-being, our confidence, our humility, and our evolution in life and in our craft. Our voices change as our bodies change and learning to embrace that constant change empowers us to continually improve and never feel stuck applying old lessons and goals to our current abilities. Just as a professional sports athlete continues to train to build stamina, efficiency, and refine their technique, we must do the same as vocal athletes!

📷: Modeling my favorite teaching/life uniform from Sing Pretty Designs 💗